This, That and Then

Continuing with the writings of Robert H. Hoge’s “Thoughts on This and That”, Madeline established her own blog thus giving it a modern twist. Her focus is on Family Business, History, Strategic Planning, Training/Education, Governance and Legacy.

Madeline S. Hoge Madeline S. Hoge

How Do You Define Family? Inclusive or Exclusive?

Growing up just north of Chicago in a small Polish-Irish community, our family of five girls regularly got together with our aunts, uncles, and cousins. Our grandparents were regular babysitters conveniently located an easy one-block walk from home. Being raised in a family business, we worked and played together. Our closest friends and confidants were all related. Growing up in a close-knit family, we were sheltered from the current mosaic of extended family. We did not hear about divorce, stepchildren, significant others who were not married, or adoptions. The “Leave it to Beaver” family unit was the norm until now. In our current eclectic environment, how do you define family?

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Governance, Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge Governance, Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge

How Do You Communicate Effectively for Family Harmony?

Soon after my husband bought his company, our family decided to form a family council. The purpose of the council is to educate and facilitate communication between family members and provide a forum for constructive discussion, problem-solving, and decisions about the family as it relates to the business and the family. After several successfully facilitated meetings by our advisor, we decided to organize the meetings independently. Establishing the agenda, arranging the location, and gathering other pertinent information went smoothly. However, the conference itself stumbled since some members interrupted or diverted from the topic at hand. After an abrupt end to a Thanksgiving meeting, the family members complained separately to me about the unorganized discussions. The family needed to step back to evaluate the situation to continue family harmony during the meetings. Instead of blaming each other, we decided to be proactive by taking an individual assessment test, the DISC, to learn how to work more effectively together.

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Philanthrophy, Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge Philanthrophy, Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge

Making a Difference

On March 11, 2020, WHO officially labeled COVID-19 a pandemic. After nine months of social distancing and safer at home orders, most us have had enough of this doom and gloom year. We are gleeful and hopeful for 2021 to bring back some normalcy. As we plan our New Year’s resolutions, we re-consider what is important to us. If the challenges we faced in the pandemic of 2020 are having you reflect on your desire to make a difference in the world, rest assured there are many ways to fulfill this goal. Start with small ways that can make a big difference, continue with a plan of “doing no harm,” and strive to achieve making a real impact.

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Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge Family Balance Sheet Madeline S. Hoge

Do Your Holiday Traditions Evoke Pleasure or Pain?

Reminiscing holiday traditions growing up, I think of blessing Easter Baskets, celebrating Christmas Eve at my Bushi’s (Polish grandma) house and enjoying Thanksgiving at my Aunt and Uncle’s. Getting dressed up with black freshly polished patent leather shoes and an Easter bonnet which were all lined up the night before brings back the joyful smells of the day. Since I was the youngest, our large Thanksgiving dinner at my Aunt and Uncle’s had me relegated to the “children’s table” which I never graduated from even in college. In my Bushi’s tiny basement, my dad’s enormous family were cozily scrunched together on folding tables and chairs with a large buffet of Polish delicacies. In hindsight, many of the traditions brought both joy and heartache. Trying to develop traditions that are unifying is an objective for any family, but sometimes unintentional pain is inflicted on a member. How do you avoid the hurt feelings associated with the holiday traditions?

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Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge

Technology Tools During a Black Swan Event

Social Distancing, Coronavirus, Quarantined are all things we have become too familiar with these last couple of weeks. Businesses and schools are closed, hospitals are overburdened, and we are struggling to find a new normal. We are scrubbing our hands, keeping six feet apart in groups of ten or less all in an effort to “flatten” the statistical curve of the virus. We have become a society of hoarders by clearing out grocery shelves of paper towels, cleaning products, toilet paper and the elusive hand sanitizer. People are binge watching movies, old TV shows or obsessively watching the latest news since we are being told to be a couch potato. Someone sneezing in a public place is as frightening as a person with leprosy. To combat our worst fears, the human spirit is discovering creative ways to entertain themselves. Teddy bear hunts are being developed and song parodies are going viral on social media. Although some have extra time on their hands, others need to adapt to their working environment in the confines of their abode. Some even have to juggle the additional chore of homeschooling. But through this confusion, a question occurred to me. While everyone is working from home and if this is our new normal, how can we keep our family bond if we aren’t physically together? At this moment during the Pandemic of 2020, can technology be an effective tool to keep your family productive, connected and informed?

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Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge

Clever Family History Conversation Starters

Sharing history of the family or the family business doesn’t have to be dull, divisive or disregarded. It starts with a little preparation to elicit ancestral tales and delightful personal stories. A bit of creative flair can start a conversation leading to a remembrance of life lessons and values to be passed down to future generations. To keep the discussion appealing, start with the presentation. Here are some ideas:

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