This, That and Then

Continuing with the writings of Robert H. Hoge’s “Thoughts on This and That”, Madeline established her own blog thus giving it a modern twist. Her focus is on Family Business, History, Strategic Planning, Training/Education, Governance and Legacy.

Development Madeline S. Hoge Development Madeline S. Hoge

The Rising Generation’s Individuation

Individuation is a term coined by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist, defined as a process of psychological integration. According to Wikipedia, Individuation is a process of transforming the personal and collective unconscious and bringing it into consciousness using dreams, active imagination, or free association to be assimilated into a person’s whole personality. What does Individuation mean for the rising generation?

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Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge Family Balance Sheet, Development Madeline S. Hoge

Technology Tools During a Black Swan Event

Social Distancing, Coronavirus, Quarantined are all things we have become too familiar with these last couple of weeks. Businesses and schools are closed, hospitals are overburdened, and we are struggling to find a new normal. We are scrubbing our hands, keeping six feet apart in groups of ten or less all in an effort to “flatten” the statistical curve of the virus. We have become a society of hoarders by clearing out grocery shelves of paper towels, cleaning products, toilet paper and the elusive hand sanitizer. People are binge watching movies, old TV shows or obsessively watching the latest news since we are being told to be a couch potato. Someone sneezing in a public place is as frightening as a person with leprosy. To combat our worst fears, the human spirit is discovering creative ways to entertain themselves. Teddy bear hunts are being developed and song parodies are going viral on social media. Although some have extra time on their hands, others need to adapt to their working environment in the confines of their abode. Some even have to juggle the additional chore of homeschooling. But through this confusion, a question occurred to me. While everyone is working from home and if this is our new normal, how can we keep our family bond if we aren’t physically together? At this moment during the Pandemic of 2020, can technology be an effective tool to keep your family productive, connected and informed?

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