This, That and Then

Continuing with the writings of Robert H. Hoge’s “Thoughts on This and That”, Madeline established her own blog thus giving it a modern twist. Her focus is on Family Business, History, Strategic Planning, Training/Education, Governance and Legacy.

Governance Madeline S. Hoge Governance Madeline S. Hoge

What is Family Ethics? Preserving a Legacy of Trust and Responsibility

The quote 'It's not personal; it's only business' from The Godfather movie, often used to illustrate the impersonal and ruthless nature of decision-making in organized crime, was a frequent topic of discussion in my college business ethics class. However, in the context of family ethics, it's not just about making decisions; it's about upholding a legacy of trust and responsibility, a set of core values that elevate a family to a higher standard.

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Family Balance Sheet, Governance Madeline S. Hoge Family Balance Sheet, Governance Madeline S. Hoge

How Do You Transfer Values Across Generations?

When thinking of inheritance, typically the thought revolves around money or possessions. Designing a successful wealth transfer tends to be the conversation with financial advisors. Insurance companies might ask about high worth assets to provide adequate coverage for posterity. But if you want to transfer values and a shared sense of purpose to future generations, you need to design a legacy plan which would consist of a Vision-Mission-Core Values statement, traditions, family education, and a collection of stories.

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Governance, Development Madeline S. Hoge Governance, Development Madeline S. Hoge

Are Core Values Impacted By Each Era?

I have always been a fan of history, however, with the current state of affairs, I started to contemplate how our core values may change through the times. After HBO Max decided to remove Gone With The Wind from their selections because they wanted to add “historical context”, my curiosity began. At first blush, I assumed a value is a value, but after some reflection, I concluded that the interpretation of that value can be a reflection of the changing times. Our family has determined our core values to be Family, Integrity, Knowledge and Perseverance. Let’s take a historical perspective on each one to see if they have evolved through the generations.

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Governance Madeline S. Hoge Governance Madeline S. Hoge

Crisis Tested Core Values

In the midst of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), my husband and I attended a family business conference in Tampa. The virus hadn’t reached Florida until shortly after our arrival which generated alternate greetings, singing while washing hands and hand-sanitizer on every table. Not coincidentally Purell, a family business, was the sanitizer of choice. It isn’t uncommon to have an item from a fellow company adorn the table. In years past “Peeps” acted as the centerpiece the year it turned 50. But this year a utilitarian table favor seemed well suited for the event. While sitting in the main conference ballroom performing a Family Value’s exercise, I became curious about Purell’s story. What was their history, mission statement, core values and how are they managing through this crisis?

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